turkish coffee pot

Turkish Coffee Pot & Machine Buying Guide

Buying Guide for Turkish Coffee Pots, Machines & Cups

Let's explain the importance of Turkish Coffee & Turkish Coffee Pot: The translation of breakfast is "kahvaltı" in Turkish. Combination of 2 words,  "Kahve" (Coffee) and "altı" (below or before).


Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day but it's actually just something to eat before the coffee in Turkish Culture.



Turkish Coffee is very finely ground coffee brewed and prepared by boiling.




How to Prepare Turkish Coffee With Pot


If you want to prepare the most delicious Turkish Coffee, you need to brew it as slowly as possible.

Add water (room temperature) to the Turkish Coffee Pot (also called "cezve" or "ibrik") as much as your Turkish Coffee Cup takes, add approximately 6 gr. / 0,2oz Turkish Coffee (grounded) and add sugar.


You should ask people how sweet do they prefer their Turkish Coffee. There are 4 levels of sweetness. Unsweetened, little (less) sugared ( 2gr. / 0,07oz), medium (Semi-sweet) 2-4 gr./0,07oz - 0,14oz, and sweet 4-6 gr. / 0,14oz - 0,2oz. per cup.


Mix everything in Cezve (Coffee pot) before you put it on the stovetop.  Do not mix it while it's brewing.

Brew on the lowest heat possible. A copper Turkish Coffee Pot is preferred to have a more delicious result.


When it's around 80 degrees celsius Turkish Coffee will start to produce foam. That's where you can see the difference between an amateur and a master Turkish Coffee brewer.


A master Turkish Coffee maker would take the foam and pour it (only the foamy part) into the Turkish Coffee cup and then continue to brew until the coffee boils. And pour the rest into the cup.


Turkish Coffee is brewed and ready to drink. It's usually served with something sweet next to it like Turkish Delight. Enjoy!

Turkish coffee in hot sand and Turkish coffee shops on charcoal are another ways to brew.



Turkish Coffee cups
Turkish Coffee cups


You can grind Turkish coffee by using the Turkish Coffee Grinder. You can use any type of coffee beans to prepare Turkish Coffee but mainly made with Arabica beans. Robusta beans are also used to make Turkish Coffee.



Turkish Coffee Pot


When it comes to brew or prepare something, using the traditional methods and quality materials are really important.


Even though there are high-quality Turkish Coffee Machines (Coffee Makers), the majority of the Turkish people (mostly housewives) still prefer to use Turkish Coffee Pots.


Turkish Coffee Makers come mainly with 7 different materials.





Copper Turkish Coffee Pots


Copper Turkish Pots are the most preferred ones If you want to prepare the most delicious Turkish Coffee. You can also give Turkish Copper Coffee Pots to your loved ones as a souvenir due to their authentic and fancy look.


However, If you are a housewife in Turkey or a real Turkish Coffee lover who brews every morning, Copper Coffee Pots might not be very practical, since they can corrode over the year.


If you do not know any person or shop who can tin-coat your Copper Turkish Coffee Pot, think twice before choosing.



Copper Turkish Coffee Pots
Copper Turkish Coffee Pots



Brass Turkish Coffee Pot


Brass Turkish Coffee pots don't rust and they have a really nice antique look. They are easy to clean, and you can still brew delicious Turkish Coffee with them.


You might not see the difference between the Copper Coffee Pots and the Brass Coffee Pots when you look at them. But when you hold them you will understand that the copper Turkish coffee pots are much lighter comparing to Brass Pots.

brass turkish coffee pot
Turkish coffee pots - Brass


Aluminum Turkish Coffee Pot


Aluminum Turkish Coffee Pots are the cheaper options comparing to other materials but still do the job very well. You can brew your Turkish Coffee a bit faster with Aluminum Turkish Pots.

aluminum Turkish Coffee Pot
Turkish Coffee Pots - Aluminum




Cast Iron Turkish Coffee Pot


Cast Iron Turkish Coffe Pots are a bit more difficult to find but they are one of the best options when it comes to brewing Turkish Coffee. Because of the nature of the cast iron, it will heat slower than any other material and make your Turkish coffee just a perfect one.


Chose Iron Turkish Coffee pot  If you are a patient person.


cast iron turkish coffee pot
Turkish Coffee Pots- Cast Iron




Enamel Turkish Coffee Pots


Enamel Turkish Coffee pots are the most beautiful ones If you are going to store them in your cupboard. But when it comes to Turkish Coffee Brewing, they are not very useful since they turn black very fast because of the fire.


That is the main reason that Enamel (Emaye) Turkish Coffee Pots are out fashioned in Turkey now.

enamel turkish coffee pot
Turkish Coffee Pots- Enamel




Granite Turkish Pots


Granite Turkish Pots are new in the market but getting popular because of the strong material and granite look. They do the job same as fine as the other Turkish Coffee pots.

granite turkish coffee pots
Turkish Coffee Pots - Granite




Stainless Steel Turkish Coffee Pots


By far the best price/performance Turkish Coffe Pots to brew. Stainless Steel Turkish Coffee Pots are modern looking, super easy to clean and they are dishwasher safe.


It might not be looking as fancy as the other Turkish Coffee Pots, but it's definitely a long-lasting one.

stainless steel turkish coffee pots
Turkish Coffee Pots - Stainless Steel





How to Prepare Turkish Coffee With Machine


Sometimes when you have many guests or when you are in hurry, Turkish Coffee Machines (Percolators) are really lifesavers.


If you want to take a Turkish Coffee Machine with you back to your country, here are some recommendations of Trusted Turkish Coffee Maker Brands. Turkish Coffee Machines are coming in 3 different forms.


Turkish Coffee Machines



Electric Turkish Coffee Pot


We can't call Electric Turkish Coffee pot (Elektrikli cezve) a real Turkish coffee machine actually, but we still wanted to mention it. It's brewing Turkish Coffee very fast and it's really budget-friendly when we compare it to real machines.


The average price of an Electric Turkish Coffee Pot is between 80 Turkish Liras ( 10 US Dollars) and 160 Turkish Liras ( 20 US Dollars).


electric turkish coffee pot
Turkish Coffee Pots - Electric Pot





Turkish Coffee Machines ( Coffee Makers)


When it comes to making the best coffee machines for Turkish Coffee, Turkish brands lead the market but there are some strong competitors as well.


If you choose a Turkish Coffee Machine, you need to choose a long-lasting machine of a trusted brand.


Here are some most selling Turkish Coffee Machine brands in Turkey:



Beko Turkish Coffee Machine


Beko Coffee Maker price starts 130 US Dollars on Amazon Website

beko turkish coffee machine
Turkish Coffee Machines - Beko




Arzum Okka Turkish Coffee Maker


Arzum is one of the 10 most trusted brands in Turkey and Arzum Okka Turkish Coffe Machine would be a good option to consider.


Arzum Okka Coffee Maker 


arzum turkish coffee machine
Turkish Coffee Machines- Arzum






Tefal Turkish Coffe Machine


Tefal Köpüklüm Turkish coffee maker machine price starts from 550 Turkish Liras (60 US Dollar).

tefal turkish coffee machine
Turkish Coffee Machines- Tefal




Fakir Turkish Coffee Machine


Fakir Kaave Turkish Coffee Machine is a German brand and it's one of the good options to consider with its price/performance ratio.

The starting price of Fakir Coffee Machine is 135 US Dollars on Amazon.com

fakir turkish coffee machine
Turkish Coffee Machines- Fakir Kaave





We listed the starter versions of  Turkish Coffee Machines Mono above. If you have a big family of coffee lovers or have a large group of friends, you can always choose a duo Turkish Coffee Machines or another Turkish coffee maker machines with more features.


beko duo turkish coffee machine
beko duo Turkish coffee machine





Turkish Coffee Cups



Which Turkish Coffee Cups to Buy?



It totally depends on your taste. The most famous and most selling Turkish Coffee Cups are the ones with Red Tulip motives on white ceramic surfaces and Brass or Copper Turkish Coffe Cups.


Turkish Coffee cups
Turkish Coffee cups


Turkish Coffee cups
Turkish Coffee cups




Turkish Coffee Brands


Which Turkish Coffee Brand to Buy?


Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi

is the World's most selling Turkish Coffe Brand. You can find it in every store or supermarket in Turkey.

There are mostly in 100 gr. pack and around 7 Turkish Liras ( less than a dollar).

kurukahveci mehmet efendi
Best Turkish Coffee Brands



There are other Turkish Coffee Brands to buy such as; Kocatepe Turkish Coffee, Kahve Dünyası Turkish Coffee, Tchibo Turkish Coffee, Cezbeli Turkish Coffee.



Bonus Read


How to Tell Fortune from the Turkish Coffee Cup?


Turkish Coffee Fortune Telling and Reading the symbols in Turkish Coffee Ground is another area of expertise. Here are some samples to give you an idea of How to read the signs in Turkish Coffee Ground and what's the meaning of Turkish Coffee Fortune Symbols.


Love, success, money, fortune: reading Turkish coffee grounds is a tradition as old as the history of Turkish coffee. Coffee fortune-telling born with Turkish Coffee is an inseparable part of coffee enjoyment and conversation.

This ritual, which the Turks gave to Europe at the end of the 17th century, became very fashionable, first in Paris, then in Austria, Hungary, and Germany.

After the coffee is drunk, the coffee cup is closed on the plate. The person whose fortune is to be read says, "Anyway, let it come out."  This is usually done in order to give good news to the person and to look at the future with hope.

The shapes that the grounds leave on the coffee cup and plate have various meanings:


turkish coffee fortune telling
Turkish coffee fortune telling symbols

Big dreams will come true at an unexpected moment.




turkish coffee fortune telling symbols 2
Turkish coffee fortune telling symbols

It reminds us not to believe every word. Be careful, if you believe everyone, you may eventually regret it.




turkish coffee fortune reading symbols
Turkish coffee fortune reading symbols

It reminds us that one must strive to win a person's heart. You must show dedication.




turkish coffee fortune telling symbols
Turkish coffee fortune telling symbols

Informs about the money. It means you will have money these days.


Turkish Coffee fortune telling symbols
Turkish Coffee fortune telling symbols




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