is it safe to travel to turkey

Is it safe to Travel to Turkey ? Covid-19 Update

Is it safe to Travel to Turkey Now?

Almost %90 of travelers ask this question before they travel to Turkey. Is it safe to travel to Turkey now? Is it safe to travel to Istanbul? What to avoid or where not to go?

Current Safety Situation


  • Political Stability: Turkey has experienced political turbulence in the past, but in recent years, the situation has stabilized. The government has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of both residents and tourists. Major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir are generally safe for travelers, with a strong police presence in tourist areas.
  • Terrorism Concerns: Like many countries, Turkey has faced threats from terrorism. However, the government has taken significant steps to counteract these threats, and incidents have decreased considerably. Popular tourist areas are heavily monitored and secured.
  • Health and Safety Protocols: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkey has implemented robust health and safety measures to protect visitors. This includes widespread availability of hand sanitizers, regular cleaning of public spaces, and health screenings at airports. It's advisable to stay updated on the latest travel advisories and follow the recommended health guidelines.
  • Natural Disasters: Turkey is located in an earthquake-prone region. While earthquakes can happen, the country has stringent building codes and emergency response plans in place. It's always wise to be aware of emergency procedures and have a basic plan in case of an earthquake.
  • Petty Crime: Like any major tourist destination, petty crimes such as pickpocketing and scams can occur. However, these are generally avoidable with common sense precautions. Keep your belongings secure, be cautious in crowded areas, and be wary of overly friendly strangers offering unsolicited help.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Turkey is a culturally rich and diverse country. While it is generally welcoming to tourists, respecting local customs and traditions goes a long way in ensuring a pleasant experience. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites, and be mindful of local norms.



Travel Tips for Safety



  1. Stay Informed: Before you travel, check the latest travel advisories from reliable sources such as your government’s travel website or international organizations.
  2. Health Precautions: Ensure you have travel insurance that covers health issues and stay informed about any health advisories in the region you plan to visit.
  3. Local Laws and Customs: Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to avoid any unintentional offenses. Respecting local culture will enhance your experience and help you stay safe.
  4. Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts, including the local embassy or consulate, local emergency services, and your accommodation's contact information.
  5. Transportation Safety: Use reputable transportation services, whether you're taking a taxi, renting a car, or using public transit. Avoid unlicensed taxis and opt for well-known, trusted services.
  6. Accommodation: Choose accommodations with good reviews and safety ratings. Hotels and established rental services are generally reliable.



Why Should You Spend Your Vacation in Turkey?

Is it safe to travel to Turkey, is it dangerous to go there? Well, Turkey and especially Istanbul is still one of the most popular destinations for travellers.


It's full of history and very rich in heritage.

The country is also famous with it's great cuisine, welcoming people, splendid sand beaches and most of all low prices. You have chance to swim and rest on the beaches of the sea of Marmara and Black sea during visit to Istanbul.

If you prefer to enjoy the Turkish Riviera and have a resort type of a vacation in Antalya, we strongly suggest you to rent a car and visit the ancient Olympos city, Aspendos Theater, Temple of Athena, butterfly valley and so on within the borders of Antalya city.

British traveler's most popular destinations such as Marmaris, Bodrum or Kusadasi is only 1 hour drive away from the ruins of Ephesus and virgin Mary house.

1 or 2 weeks of vacation will never be enough to explore this beautiful country and that's is why travelers always return.


safe to travel to turkey
Suleymaniye Mosque by the Bosphorus

Is it Safe to Travel to Turkey?


World has changed. Things happen everywhere, every year. Some people believe that it's just political games while other believe in different reasons. The fact is that we can't stop living our lives. And traveling is one of the best ways to enjoy life.


The answer of the question " is it safe to travel to Turkey ? " is same as other parts of the world. If you take necessary precautions, it's definitely a safe place to visit and enjoy.



Which places to avoid in Turkey?

Foreign and Commonwealth Office advise against traveling to within 10 km of the border with Syria (except the town of Kilis)

The FCO advise against all but essential travel to:

  • All other areas of Turkey

Click on the link to see the map of FCO for the places that you should avoid visiting Map of places to avoid visiting in Turkey





Terror Risk in Turkey

Turkey is a country that has captivated travelers for centuries with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene beaches of the Mediterranean coast, Turkey offers a diverse array of experiences. However, like any travel destination, it's important to consider safety when planning a trip.



Earthquake in Turkey


Most part of Turkey is in the Earthquake area. You should acquaint yourself with in the event of earthquake. You should also follow the directions and guidance of the authorities.


Here are the emergency numbers in Turkey; 155 (Police), 112 (Ambulance), 110 (Fire dpt.).


Should you visit Turkey in 2024 ?

Traveling to Turkey can be a safe and enriching experience if you take the necessary precautions. The country is well-prepared to welcome tourists and offers a plethora of attractions that cater to various interests. By staying informed, respecting local customs, and following safety guidelines, you can enjoy all that Turkey has to offer with peace of mind. Whether you're exploring the ancient ruins of Ephesus, sailing along the Bosphorus, or soaking in the thermal pools of Pamukkale, Turkey promises an unforgettable adventure.



Is it safe to Travel to Turkey
Kaputas beach - Antalya



















So is it safe to travel to Turkey ? Yes as it's in all around.



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