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Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test in Summer 2021?

Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test?

Turkey wants to be the first country that accepts tourists without Covid-19 controls. Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test? is the question tha everybody is qurious about the answer.


"Turkey is looking forward to welcoming tourists as the last summer, and doing covid-19 controls at our customs in world standarts", the minister says, according to The Independent.


Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test?


"Turkey will not ask vaccine passport at the entrances to Turkey. We will also reconsider PCR test mandatory on 15 of April. We hope that PCR test won't be necessary to enter to Turkey, since the significant amount of people will be vaccinated, before the beginning of summer." the minister replied.


Turkey Offers Special Insurance Package

Hotels in Turkey with 'Safe Tourism Certification', allows tourists to receive their test results before going to Europe or other countries.

The test fee is around 30 euros and there are test centers at international airports. Turkey also meets medication and emergency care costs in exchange for 15 euros offers a special insurance package.

That explanation of Ministry of Tourism of Turkey makes the Turkey rank in first place between English Tourists, who are in search of vacation options.


It's good news not only for English but also for Turkish. Share of tourism in Turkey's economy is %12 and, Turkey welcomed more than 2,5 million English Tourist before the pandemic. This number will raise for sure after the pandemic.

Besides that, value of the English pound is over 10 Turkish Liras now (as of 20th March ) and it makes the vacation in Turkey not only an unforgettable one but also a very cheap one.


As of 20th of March, all tourists need to fill an entry form and show a negative PCR test in order to enter to Turkey.

Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test?
Will Turkey Ask for Vaccine Passport or PCR Test?


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